Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday gig... should be sleeping already but is still online :p

I have a very nice Sunday! I went to the mall to get a spa and I had a very relaxing day. I had some coffee and tuna melt from my favorite Icon Cafe. The crews are so friendly, I think they already know me by my face because I always visit that cafe every time I drop by that mall. I always get the same table. I think I am just lucky because everytime I go there, the table is not occupied. I guess, it already have my name on it, hehehe... Kidding! :) And I always look at myself on the mirror across. I noticed something different with my eyes and face today. I dunno, last January to March, my eyes look too sad and I bet you anything that any painter will have difficulty painting my facial expression. But today, I noticed that eventhough I become a bit thinner, my face is clearer and my eyes look a bit happier. My hair looks more luscious, my skin looks fairer and I feel really great. The eyes are really reflection of one's soul but for me, its a reflection of one's heart :) It seems that I am becoming emotionally stable as days passed by. God is really good :)

I am all alone but its alright. My sister has to finish some papers so she cannot come with me. So, I spent the rest of the day walking and doing some window shopping for I am in no mood to buy anything fancy. I went to all gadget stores and looked for an LG cookie. I didn't like the package deal and the price. I know so well that I could get a much better package at n a lesser price in Park Square. So I decided that I would go to Makati next week.

Then, to my delight, Rivermaya is having a mini concert at the same mall. It was still early when I found out but I stayed until 5pm nevertheless. And it is all worth it! I mean, the band is so cool and the lead vocalist is so damn handsome! I get to watch a concert for free. I had some videos too and some photos. Too bad I didn't have my ixus with me but I do have a cellphone, hehehe... I am going to upload one of their videos soon :)

I should be sleeping by now. I still have work tomorrow, it is overtime and they will be paying me double for it. But I don't mind at all. I think my brain will work finally. It has been sleeping and lazy for quite some time before. Hehehe, it should get itself back to work already.

I received an SMS message from one of my friends in the office, he informed me that there will be a shuttle tomorrow so that I won't have any difficulty traveling. These people are really so nice... Got to sleep now. My eyelids are complaining already... I think the effect of the coffee has finally worn out hahaha...


Anonymous said...

Wow inggit naman ako! I like Rivermaya as well, their music is really good since the 90's. But I liked them a lot better when Bamboo was with them. Too bad they had to split. So anyway, that's one extra good band nowadays - Bamboo.

Good thing you went to relax today. That's what you really need, relax! And not be to hasty about anything. Just take everything slowly and have fun. :)

Annie said...

Thanks Rachel! :)

Yeah, I also like Bamboo. I was waiting for Rivermaya to sing KISAPMATA yesterday but they didn't :(

Anyway, I think Jayson is also very cool and handsome...