Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend @ Star City

It has been a long time since I went to Star City. Yesterday, I got the chance to return to that amusement park. The place has improved quite a lot! It is already very affordable for the cost of 450 per head, which is already a VIP pass and includes Ride-all-you-can, Snow World and Dino Island. The place is so crowded due to long weekend. Here are some of the photos:

Winter Wonderland in the Philippines

Its a long weekend and we had so much fun yesterday at Star City. The crowd is so huge due to extended weekend but nonetheless, it was so much fun. We saw happy people with their families spending their time togather on a holiday...

We went to Snow World and it is so SULIT! Its a good thing we brought our socks. Geezz but we do not have gloves (too bad, we could have spent more time inside the wonderland if we have those).

Even if it is just a simple replica of the real snow world in those countries with winter season, it is good enough for us. I mean, it is soooo cold inside, the ice sculptures are amazing! Just don't touch them because any small damage costs 5000! We slide on the ice. I think we only spent 15 minutes inside. Too bad, our gadgets cannot be used inside. But its a good thing there is someone there to take some photos just for souvenir. Its a nice thing that we have something like this in the Philippines! Nice to experience such "Cold" "weather" even for a couple of minutes :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


We have seen 2012's premiere awhile ago at SM Megamall Cinema 6. Hmmmm.. what can I say???

Well, many people will probably hate me for this but I really prefer "The Day After Tomorrow".

Okay, given, the visual effects are much better in 2012. But I'd say that the acting is a bit exaggerating and there are dull moments (really, I was yawning several times especially during some personal moments among the characters). And I find it weird that despite all those drastic and whooaaahhh calamities (with land mass shifting positions), GPRS is still working??? There is still signal? That must be a state-of-the-art modern day NOAH's ARK in which only the mighty, rich and powerful are allowed??? If you don't have a what? Billion dollars, you won't get a pass to get inside it and be saved???

The movie also depicts how dirty governments are... I mean, what's with all the lying about everything is fine whereas the earth's crust is already at its edge??? And geez, that government official (I don't know what his name is) who is obviously a power tripper even at the very end... I was saying during the movie "Can somebody punch that stupid man?" Really, our world is surrounded by crocodiles... No wonder these events might happen.

Racism... It sucks!!! Really... I hate it!

The movie lacks certain emotions and humanity. And well, sorry to say, some are even overacting.

The climax is not well plotted. Okay, so if the engine won't start they will hit Mt. Everest and that would be the end of mankind...

But this movie made me look back at my Sibika at Kultura subject when I was in elementary. Seems true somehow. I remembered the history about plate tectonics and how land mass shifted. Before, there is only one continent and those earthquakes molded what our current Earth has now.

Hmmmm... We were just joking after the movie and trying to decipher where Philippines is in the new globe/earth shown at the end of the film...

Still, its a must-see movie :) Sorry for the spoilers folks! I might forget about all these tomorrow so I have to post it now :)