Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cool stuffs for the birthday!!!

Ok, I had finally decided... I will definitely get either of these two:

1. An LG Cookie
2. An Apple iPhone 3G

It would be my birthday next month. I want to buy something for myself...

Hahaha!!! Typical me, making decisions so hastily. Deciding to get a new phone is as fast as deciding to get a new job. Well, it has always been a trend to me. Every time I got a new job, I get a new phone... I don't know why... It is like accepting the changes in my life. I wonder what Leah would say when she hears about this, lol! I bet she will say "So, what else is new? That is the Annie that we knew."

Damn, I have to change... LOLZ!!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Waaaahhh!!! I cannot help it!!! I am too impulsive! I have to get any of them right away!!!