Friday, April 24, 2009

A question about Goblet of Fire (Calling all Harry Potter fanatics)

I was sorting all my DVDs last Sunday then I felt the urge to watch the entire Harry Potter from 1-5 for the nth time, hehehehe (if addiction to HP is a crime, I had long been in jail). I have this question when I watched the fourth one (Goblet of Fire). It was said that when your name is picked by the Goblet of Fire, you are bound to finish the task til the end. But it was not explained what will happen if anyone from those who were picked refuses to compete. So, I cracked my brains. I had read the entire HP books so many times but I cannot remember JK Rowling mentioning or clarifying what will happen to the one picked by the goblet if he refused to compete. So, I took my book4 from the shelf and re-read Goblet of Fire again. And I cannot find the answer to the question.

Maybe, I missed something or maybe anyone of you knows???

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