I have to admit that I got a bit disappointed with the live action adaptation of DragonBall. Well, besides the fact that Goku is not muscular enough (hihihi), I was hoping to see kinton cloud =( And what is with the clothes??? Goku wears something red-orange (looks more red to me) not light orange and it wasn't even torn after he transformed into that humongous monkey monster! Hahaha... Hayzzzz.... I didn't even get to hear any of these songs:
Someone just made me smile, as in a real smile from the heart, today...
I just texted a friend regarding my birthday. At the end of our conversation, he said, "yung mag-eenjoy ka". I was so touched. It felt so good that someone actually have thought of my own enjoyment and not the fact that they will enjoy because I will give a treat.
Such a nice and thoughtful person! The girl who could have his heart will surely be so lucky :)
I was sorting all my DVDs last Sunday then I felt the urge to watch the entire Harry Potter from 1-5 for the nth time, hehehehe (if addiction to HP is a crime, I had long been in jail). I have this question when I watched the fourth one (Goblet of Fire). It was said that when your name is picked by the Goblet of Fire, you are bound to finish the task til the end. But it was not explained what will happen if anyone from those who were picked refuses to compete. So, I cracked my brains. I had read the entire HP books so many times but I cannot remember JK Rowling mentioning or clarifying what will happen to the one picked by the goblet if he refused to compete. So, I took my book4 from the shelf and re-read Goblet of Fire again. And I cannot find the answer to the question.
Maybe, I missed something or maybe anyone of you knows???
I saw this poster in one of the system's cubicles. Hahaha, I was so amused and I laughed a lot after reading it. The owner of the cubicle is one of the system guys. Luckily, I have my phone with me so I took a picture of the poster and here it is:
I never thought someone wants to sell himself as a husband :))
We went to Green Leaf Resort, Bolboc this weekend to celebrate my cousin's birthday. It is also a sort of family reunion. We had such a wonderful time laughing and teasing one another. I will upload the photos later :)
I had been doing adhoc testing since Monday and I already made a conclusion now that the week is about to end. I will not ask what they were thinking when they created it. The right question is "Did they even think about it?"
The system was created by an outside firm, seems like it has not been tested that good. The first "set" of bugs that I reported were all resolved as "Won't fix" due to reason "by design". Wow! I cannot see the logic of it or maybe, I should say, they cannot see the logic behind it.
But luckily, on the succeeding days, I noticed that most of my bugs were already acknowledged and most of them were being fixed, THANK GOODNESS!
Thus, I made this conclusion: the system is BUGGY BY DESIGN...
We went to Marian Orchard today :) The place is really beautiful and solemn. There are lots of families there. I will post all of the photos soon :) We visited the white chapel, the station of the cross and we had a wonderful view of Taal lake atop one of the chapels. For now, here are some of the photos:
After the Orchard, we went to Lipa... I had never appreciated Lipa Cathedral until now. Maybe because it is always crowded when we go there for Sunday Mass. But this evening, the place is so solemn and wonderful and you can be stirred by the church songs being played in the background.
My friends and I went to celebrate Good Friday in churches. There are so many people and it is nice to see old faces, faces from my highschool days, old classmates and teachers... It is like going back to the embrace of things and people who had kept you safe and warm during your youth, the ones that sculpted you to what you are right now. I felt like a sheep who has been back to the pastureland after being with a pack of wolves.
I wasn't able to take many pictures. We were busy chatting and catching up with each other. And the day ended with a procession. We had candles and we proceeded on walking in a sort of a cross. It is like 2 hours of walk or less, I cannot remember. My feet are aching so very badly but I don't mind at all. The moon is so bright last night and the wind is blowing up our hair. The weather is good, the air is fresh, the candles are lighted so brightly. I never felt so good for a very long time...
Now, my brain seems unstoppable. I can think of so many things to do... Might start with documentation, the system lacks documentation! Then these templates. I am thinking of grouping the elements and templates by timezone. That will make testing easier while it is not yet automated. Have to find a way to retrieve from oracle using macros... Hmmmm.. I would research on that.
And I could start learning how to setup our test server :) That should be really interesting in a microsoft platform...
Okay, now I have so many things to do after months of having idle and confused brain :)
So yesterday, a major bug was found and because of that, we were told that we need to do overtime today to verify things.
However, it turned out that something went wrong with the servers (duh!) so, we were stuck. But it never dampened by spirits. Quite the contrary, I am happy here working (not pressured). I mean, I just thought I'd prepare the files that I can use when testing resumes. That would save me time and I can make my testing easier :)
Besides, who would not be happy? I am here having an Indian sit on this big chair, sitting pretty like I was at home; enjoying the aircon (its too hot outside); enjoying the free internet and dual monitor (to make our testing easier, we were given extra monitor that we can attach to our laptops); I had brought some home-cooked meal for lunch with me (I just had breakfast also with one business analyst and one system analyst awhile ago at Tropical Hut, the omelette is soooo good) and I am happily eating while listening to music; and the best part of it is that I am being paid for this overtime on top of my salary... :)
And I just saw my payslip yesterday hehehe... It made me realize things. I mean, this company had me when I was totally broken inside, when I cannot seem to do anything at all, when the best of me had left me already; but they still had me... So I think they deserve to get something worth their money. So, I vow to change from this day forward. They will have the Annie that they had hired, the Annie that other companies hired before...
My cube is located near the CSR area. So, every day I can hear those call center representatives talking. Hahaha, they sound so funny after each call. But during a call, they sound so awesome. I mean, the diction and slang thing, you know.. Hahaha! This made me realize that I really prefer my line of work.
They are talking now about pronounciation, diction, exaggeration and all. They really sound so funny.
Awhile ago, one of them said that "Do not judge a guy when he is covered. Uncover him first!" I can't help but laugh even though I am alone here in the cube.
Now, I am getting used to the line: "Thank you for calling SunPower, how may I help you?"
I have a very nice Sunday! I went to the mall to get a spa and I had a very relaxing day. I had some coffee and tuna melt from my favorite Icon Cafe. The crews are so friendly, I think they already know me by my face because I always visit that cafe every time I drop by that mall. I always get the same table. I think I am just lucky because everytime I go there, the table is not occupied. I guess, it already have my name on it, hehehe... Kidding! :) And I always look at myself on the mirror across. I noticed something different with my eyes and face today. I dunno, last January to March, my eyes look too sad and I bet you anything that any painter will have difficulty painting my facial expression. But today, I noticed that eventhough I become a bit thinner, my face is clearer and my eyes look a bit happier. My hair looks more luscious, my skin looks fairer and I feel really great. The eyes are really reflection of one's soul but for me, its a reflection of one's heart :) It seems that I am becoming emotionally stable as days passed by. God is really good :)
I am all alone but its alright. My sister has to finish some papers so she cannot come with me. So, I spent the rest of the day walking and doing some window shopping for I am in no mood to buy anything fancy. I went to all gadget stores and looked for an LG cookie. I didn't like the package deal and the price. I know so well that I could get a much better package at n a lesser price in Park Square. So I decided that I would go to Makati next week.
Then, to my delight, Rivermaya is having a mini concert at the same mall. It was still early when I found out but I stayed until 5pm nevertheless. And it is all worth it! I mean, the band is so cool and the lead vocalist is so damn handsome! I get to watch a concert for free. I had some videos too and some photos. Too bad I didn't have my ixus with me but I do have a cellphone, hehehe... I am going to upload one of their videos soon :)
I should be sleeping by now. I still have work tomorrow, it is overtime and they will be paying me double for it. But I don't mind at all. I think my brain will work finally. It has been sleeping and lazy for quite some time before. Hehehe, it should get itself back to work already.
I received an SMS message from one of my friends in the office, he informed me that there will be a shuttle tomorrow so that I won't have any difficulty traveling. These people are really so nice... Got to sleep now. My eyelids are complaining already... I think the effect of the coffee has finally worn out hahaha...
Oh my, I am inlove with this google blog! I don't want to visit my multiply, facebook or friendster anymore!!!
Maybe because, blog is simpler and you can be just yourself. You can write your thoughts and everything! No tests, no games, simple... I am keeping this! It is like my online diary :)
... and since I can access neither Friendster nor Facebook in the office, I figure out that I would just customize my Google blogspot since it is not included in the restricted sites in the office... Hehehe... Hmmmm... tomorrow, I will try Multiply :p
... I also found out that I can import my photos from Photobucket to Blogger. It is so cool!!! :)
... I am definitely keeping this one, at least, there won't be anymore spam :)
I cannot help but notice this, it seems that everyone wants to do something with his/her hair in VC test team! LOL!!!
Last Wednesday, when I visited Alabang and had dinner at Pancake House with Mark and Rachel, Mark mentioned he wants to have his hair straight.. I thought he was just too stressed out and was just joking. Then today, quite by surprise, I read from Rachel's blog that he did have his hair straight yesterday. Wow!!!
I was planning to have a hair spa and a brand new hairstyle today. Rachel had a hair spa yesterday. Mark had his hair straight and Shinri wants a NEW hairstyle!!! So who else, huh???
What happened? What is with the hair? Is everyone too stressed because of too much work or just bored like me???
Ok, I had finally decided... I will definitely get either of these two:
1. An LG Cookie 2. An Apple iPhone 3G
It would be my birthday next month. I want to buy something for myself...
Hahaha!!! Typical me, making decisions so hastily. Deciding to get a new phone is as fast as deciding to get a new job. Well, it has always been a trend to me. Every time I got a new job, I get a new phone... I don't know why... It is like accepting the changes in my life. I wonder what Leah would say when she hears about this, lol! I bet she will say "So, what else is new? That is the Annie that we knew."
Well, well, well... I am definitely and slowly being back to my old self again! How did I know? It is this:
I love it! When all those "stuffs" happened to me last year, I stopped doing the things that I happen to enjoy and love... Maybe that is why, I lost my head. Won't happen again lolz!!!
I cannot wait for this next installment of Harry Potter!!!
It is a nice morning indeed! It has been raining early in the morning but now the sun is up and smiling again!!! I spent my morning outside the house, listening to the raindrops. I feel quite cold in my shorts and spaghetti straps lolz!!! But I don't mind at all! It is so nice to just sit there at our terrace and enjoy the view plus the rain of course!
Then, I went back to my room and saw all these books that I had been reading for the past couple of months. They had already piled up on the table. Finally, I realized that everything in the room is a mess! So, I cleaned up. Hehehe.. Luckily, I saw this brochure that somebody must have given me last January (I cannot remember who but must have been one of my HS friends). I flipped it open and got engrossed right away!
It hit me! I saw the gadget page. Hahaha! It has been a long time since I had bought something for myself. I guess, I had been really absorved by my own downfall and hearaches. But then, it seems I am getting back to normal.
Okay, so much for the introduction. I saw 3 phones that got me really interested... One is a clamshell(I really love them since 2005!), a touch screen phone, and of course an iPhone...
(a) LG KP500 Cookie -- http://www.mobilewhack.com/lg-kp500-yet-another-touchscreen-cellphone/
-- I think it is really cool... For a change, I want to try something new, something that stands out but not very expensive...
It is really weird how other people wish to lose weight while I am trying very hard to gain some. I already managed to gain some weight for the last one year and a half... Unfortunately, I seem to lose all the weight that I gained in just one month!!! Wow!!! Talk about weird, huh? Poor me :(
My left eye is killing me! It seems like there is a foreign object in my left contact lens. I cannot get it off because I don't have any solution with me here in the office... and I don't know where to buy!
The nearest mall is what? 30 to 45 minutes drive from here :(((