Wednesday, September 23, 2009

thoughts on group names

Okay, I am starting this entry while waiting for the next deploy to test environment (and by that time, I could resume my usual testing)

I had been listening to the radio for the last couple of months ergo weeks while here at work. I enjoy on-air discussions about different topics in everyday life.

And then I developed a hobby of googling lyrics of those songs I find really nice. And my friends find it weird that I jot down the title in a tissue paper hahaha!

Then, I will download them from youtube when I get home.

I just noticed something from the singers of new songs nowadays. I find them very entertaining to the point that I am spending time blogging about it.

Okay, enough introduction, let me get straight to the point.

Girl/Boy groups emerged like mushrooms popping during a thunderstorm and I don't know if anyone notice this but the group names are quite interesting.

Take for instance, Wonder girls (the group that sang and danced the hit NOBODY). And I just learned from my VC friends last Saturday that there is a local version of Pussycat Dolls/Wonder Girls guesting in Subzero. They are called the Mocha Girls. Inspiration strikes me. I took all the names from the Nescafe vendo machine here and wondering if someday, such names will emerge as girl groups. Here they are:

1. Cappuccino Girls
2. Latte Girls
3. Milo Girls
4. Tea latte Girls

Now, I was wondering what if we use cakes?

1. The Blackforest girls
2. The Chocolate Mocha girls
3. The Belgian chocolate Bliss girls
4. The Mango Passion girls

So what about the singer of the song "Issues" (which everytime I hear, I remember JIRA) called "The Saturdays"... So we can use the days of the week as group names

1. The Mondays
2. The Tuesdays
3. the Wednesdays
4. The Thursdays
5. The Fridays
6. The Sundays

And we should not forget the "Indigo Girls" who sang "Power of Two". So we can use colors now, can't we?

1. The Rusty Girls
2. The Fushia Girls
3. The Magenta Girls

Sheesssshhh... Now, this really scares me. What if someday, some group use weird names such as those from a tool shed?

1. The Screwed-up girls
2. The Hithereto girls

Look at Paradiso Girls! Hahaha, the one who sang Patron Tequilla. Hmmmm, now that is something, what if we use drinks?

1. The Tequilla Girls
2. The Bourbon girls
3. The Brandy Girls
4. The Gin girls
5. The Margarita Girls

Are we really running out of very good group names? What happened to creativity?

My brain cells are really not that used up hahaha that is why I am having these thoughts.

Anyways, that is all... have to get back to work... :)

sorry for any grammar mistakes... hehehe, I will just edit perhaps during the weekend...


Anonymous said...

My comment has become too long that I have decided to post it on my own blog to avoid rambling on yours. :D See my post if you're interested.. xD

Anyway, nice thoughts! We've been thinking the same thing before, inventing our own group names... :))

Annie said...

thanks, Rach!