Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slimming tea... eh???

I had been eating a lot these days. I am not too stressed with work, with transportation, with anything... My mind and heart are at ease. I just get frustrated at work every once in a while but I am learning to be super passive and insensitive. It seems that I am getting detached with my emotions. So, all in all, I am gaining too much weight and I feel so fat indeed.

Then I finally made up my mind this afternoon that I have to lose weight no matter what!!! I mean, an additional inch and a half on my waistline is NO JOKE!!! So, I bought the famous Biguerlai slimming tea from the drugstore and already drank a cup before dinner time... Hahahaha! I can feel the immediate effect already! I mean, I think I already lost half an inch off my waist after drinking a cup... Or maybe, I am just constipated?? Hmmmm.. who knows? I really want to lose the extra inches hehehe...

Hmmmm.. I think I can wear most of my clothes again hehehe.. Besides, I am preparing for my trip this June so I really have to lose those extra pounds so that I will look good in my summer wear!!!


Shinri said...

Hello Annie! How are you doing? I am so sorry that I've missed your msg.

Gain weight? how come? I can't even imagine that you have some fat? you are way to skinny!
I guess gain weight is good for you somehow?!

Anyway, let me know if you are stressed, I will try to help.okay.

Me too though.. abit tired of hectic busy city tokyo recently. :D

Annie said...

Thanks Shinri!

I really prefer to be skinny, maybe because of the clothes... Getting ft means getting new sets of clothes hehehe...

How I wish I could go back to busy city life...